Thunderbolt Elementary School
Thunderbolt Elementary School
Family Quick Links
Family Quick Links
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School volunteers are extra-special people who are committed to making schools the best they can be. They offer special attention and caring that can inspire students to reach for and realize their dreams.
School volunteers are extra-special people who are committed to making schools the best they can be. They offer special attention and caring that can inspire students to reach for and realize their dreams.
School volunteers work at the schools of their choice and participate in activities that match their interests, such as assisting teachers in the classroom, designing bulletin boards, working with students, serving as computer tutors, working with art classes, or helping out in the office or media center.
School volunteers work at the schools of their choice and participate in activities that match their interests, such as assisting teachers in the classroom, designing bulletin boards, working with students, serving as computer tutors, working with art classes, or helping out in the office or media center.